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台灣的活動大部份已經快要結束了! 在過去這幾個禮拜,都常常見到大家,也試著去記得你們的臉或者甚至你的名字! 而且,你們也因為支持我們的活動而花了很多錢,包括機票,精力還有最寶貴的時間! 謝謝你們!

其實,最開心是看到越來越多的你們…當我看到你們都能聚集在一起像一個家庭,或者像一班好朋友, 那是最讓我感動的! 我發覺你們已經知道為什麼你們要在這裡,不像之前那麼缺少紀律! 謝謝大家有聽工作人員的話!因為他們也是擔心我們會累,也擔心有時候你們會影響到我們的工作進度。好吧,我想大家都有進步,都變得比較成熟了,是吧??? 哈哈☺



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Don't doubt… Of course I will drop by my blog during this most important day for all the Chinese people around the world!!!

I cannot imagine how lucky I am to be able to spend Chinese New Year with my family here in Brunei! So lucky indeed…

2 months ago… Management mentioned that I might not be able to go back as they probably would arrange work during the Lunar New Year! SIGH!!!

Last month… Followed up with them but the answer is still a ‘NO’.

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Its been 16 months since our 1st album were released! I could still remember no one really knew I was part of Fahrenheit back then :-) But with all our 2 years great effort, we are glad that most people now know about Fahrenheit and of course thanks to all the huge support from so many of you around the globe that made Fahrenheit where we stand today!
Our album promotional trip in Mainland China can be regarded as a happy and also a sad one! First, very Happy indeed seeing so many new and regular faces whether it’s the media or all our supporters :-) But Sadness came the moment when we gotta leave... In fact, I totally understand why some of you even cried coz we hardly see each other and have to be apart in such a short stay! Its sad but at least we met right? I will definitely try to talk to my company so we will be given more opportunity to travel around the world in 2008 and meet you guys up, ok?
2008 Concert – Good News! It was surprising at our HK press conference when we heard from our directors that our very 1st Asia tour concert would be held this year! It's a dream come true coz besides the singing part, I have always thought of how I want our 1st concert performance to look like! You might think it’s still a long way to go but due of our busy schedule, we need to plan early and I am also anticipating to discuss my ideas with my company… I’ve got lots of ideas and if they are all achievable, I am sure our 1st concert performance would be an exciting one… haha! Day dreaming again…
Chinese New Year –I actually thought I never have the chance to go back since we only have 2 days break but after the kind consideration from my 2 companies, they agreed with 3 days!!! WOW... I can really head back to Brunei and celebrate Chinese New Year with my friends and family!!! So So HAPPY :-) Oh ya… I heard some of you have plans to follow me back but I strongly suggest “DON’T DON’T DON’T” because I will spend most of my time at home and at my relatives’ house. I really don't wish to see u guys doing nothing and feeling upset during the Chinese New Year because you really won’t be able to see me at all. Hey, it’s once a year celebration!!! Go into the ‘GONG XI FA CAI’ apirit and spend this special event with your family and friends, ok? Its time to Enjoy yourself, eat nice food, gamble, gossip, catch up... and a good excuse for you to wear RED from head to toe :-) How good is that?
Being a designer for Guerlain – Actually, this is something I’ve longed for in the past and I am really glad that I finally got the chance to design my 1st piece of work in my showbiz career! I’ve never been to a designing course but I’ve always loved designing anything that is related to my work… Most of the stuff in my Brunei Health Club are my masterpiece haha!!! But I have to admit it’s definitely not 100 points but to an average person who’ve never been to a designing course, I think I am above the passing mark :-) All the designs on the interior, floorings, layout, partitions, walls, lightings, audio systems and even the furnishings were of my own ideas. Although some aren’t that nice looking, who cares, right… haha! I am happy and i just love it. Same thing goes to the accessory I designed for Guerlian :-) At least, I received comments from those who’ve seen it and they said it’s a nice and creative design… Hope there is more to come in the future, ya!

By the way, have you had your fruits yet? Remember… Don’t be LAZY!!! Got to stay energetic and healthy because New Year is coming ☺

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回想2007所發生的一切,真的是一個讓我不可思意的一年啊! 我的心從沒停止跳動過,我的腦也很少休息過,我也一直嘗試不一樣的東西…WOW! 完全是一個讓我很驚慌的一年,但是我從來沒有後悔過。雖然我一直很幸運但是我也真的犧牲掉很多,也一直盡我的能力做到最好! 大家一路已來的支持,真的讓我走過來了,謝謝!

每年,我常常會鼓勵我身邊的人一定要有新年新計劃 如果你記得的話,我去年在我網誌也曾經提到說你們要花10分鐘想想新的一年裡你有什麼夢想要去實現…所以,如果你現認真的想…2007年你是不是沒有留下遺憾呢,還是其實你發現如果你付出更多,你的成就一定會比現在好呢?

其實,你的新計劃可以是很簡單的…就像是要過健康的生活,或者是最有挑戰性的,像我當初下了最大的決心到底要不要進入演藝圈:-) 嘿,最重要的是“不要讓2008留下遺憾” 仔細想想,ok﹖然後…當你決定要去做的時候,記得要有一顆“勇敢的心” 做到最好!

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Sob sob sob… Romantic Princess has finally come to an last week! Will u guys miss Nan Fong Jin??? Well…Here, I want to thank so many of you once again for supporting this drama… I could still remember telling myself last year that it’s really not easy for a drama to come out big! I am such a lucky fellow huh!!! Hanakimi and Romantic Princess came out very successful this year and this is really an achievement for all the crew who’ve put in so much effort! Now that RP has finished airing, Hanakimi is back on replay again... I guess it’s hard for you guys not to see me right… haha! Furthermore, after 16 months of long wait, Fahrenheit’s 2nd album ‘2FACE’ will soon be ready to excite you guys again! Lots of activities and you will be seeing more of Fahrenheit on TV and magazines! Well, get yourself ready for it ok :-)

Sanya, Hainan Island - Again, another country that feels like Brunei! Life is relatively simple at Sanya! Lots of local fruit, also available in Brunei, which somehow looked funny to my fellow colleagues from Taiwan… haha! Also, Hainan Chicken rice has always been one of my favourite dishes and I thought I could get to taste an original one during the trip but guess what??? It was invented in Singapore! Thanks to this trip that made me know this fact! Actually, every trip, endorsement and the things we do whether big or small, successful or not have been an accomplishment to me because I really learn a lot! Being in showbiz, it has opened my eyes to see things I could never have imagined… Still, I cannot believe myself being an artiste now… haha!

Japan - I now understand why so many of my friends kept telling me in the past that Japan is such a nice city to go to for a vacation! With my busy 3 days schedule there, I could only observe the city from the car! Well, I did go to the city despite how tired I was after work :-) I told myself that even if I have migraine, I still gotta force myself to have a quick look and fortunately, everything was well worth it. It somehow looks a bit like the NY Times square with lots of neon lights and full of people even late at night! Unfortunately, I didn't manage to find time trying the food and shopping but for sure my next trip to Japan, I gotta try the ‘Oyishi’ Jap cuisine and shop around :-)

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Lots of traveling lately! How should I put it? Hmmm... Really tired but well worth it! At least, I had the chance to see so many of you in every corner of this world! Sometimes, I would wonder when I could have a short vacation and I cannot deny that all these while I have really been dreaming for one but it just seem impossible… haha! Recently, I’ve been spending most of my time in the photo studio taking photo shoots and doing lots of interviews! There’re also many up-coming overseas projects and preparation for my next drama! Honestly, I am quite stressed recently with my job… Many good opportunities but very little time and its so to hard come out with a very good decision that will benefit everyone!

So, What gives me energy all these while?
Being able to squeeze some time each day so I could finish reading all my birthday wishes and all the heart-felt gifts! I know that by doing so, it could bring me happiness and would make me realize that all my hard work, effort and time sacrificed is well worth it. Therefore, whatever my next project is, I know you guys are with me, right? I truly treasure this kind of relationship ☺

Well, let me share some of my recent trips with you guys…

Brunei - I managed to go back to Brunei for 3 days in Oct as my passport has run out of pages! I was so happy when I came to know about this though it would be hard on my company's part as well as there were many jobs pending that time. Well, my trip back home was really worth it. Besides spending substantial amount of time with my family, it was also my 1st trip back home after my baby (Fitness Zone) was officially opened and I was really looking forward to experiencing the everyday operations. Every time I go back to my country, my status automatically becomes a Health Club Manager! ☺ As I don't know when my next trip back home will be, I truly treasure those moment when I was there… My daily routine back home has always been setting up lots of meetings, appointments and brainstorming with my team so as to strengthen the Club Operations especially for 2008! Funny? HEHE!!!

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Very unbelievable! From being a normal person just like u guys to having so many supporters from countries around the globe sending me good wishes and celebrating my birthday with me… It’s like WOW… what a big day for me and I believe my mother would be so happy for me except that I know she wouldn’t want me to work under this kind of pressure! Anyway, I think it is absolutely ok for me because she has really taught me well on how to be independent and how to take super good care of myself.

Without you guys, I wouldn’t have the motivation/confidence at all! I think the path in my showbiz career have been very lucky ever since but I also cannot deny that I have put 200% focus and hard work to every bits and pieces of what I have done! Well, I believe I will keep improving coz you guys have given me courage and confidence to gain new experiences. I love experiencing new things in life and I believe I will have the opportunities to try different things in the showbiz in the coming future…I might not be perfect at first but I believe every 1st timers should be spared for their mistakes so they will grow and get better and better. Most importantly, I am very fortunate for the chances given by so many of you and I know you guys have supported and encouraged all these while! Vice versa, you guys have my support and encouragement too, ok! I hope this feeling will go on and on… :-)

My birthday celebration…

Actually, I was the one who suggested to my Company about the birthday function few months ago and coincidentally wu-chun.com proposed this idea to my Company too. And with the help from so many fan clubs, my company eventually agreed on it, which really was GOOD news to me. Too bad the preparation time was limited and only few venue options available!

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這些日子以來, 我覺得很感動。也明白不論結果是怎樣,只要我們盡力了,那就足夠了! 當然,對於第一集的高收視率,我真的很滿意,也很開心我們收視是第一名! 這其實是大家的功勞,由其是一直努力工作的所有幕後工作人員! 我希望公主小妹可以再一次成為台灣的驕傲,也希望可以變得更受歡迎,不論是在台灣還是在世界各地! 其實導演和製作人真的做了很大的努力讓整個故事變得比漫畫更有趣…還有,後期部份,包括音效啦,宣傳啦,大家都很努力…我非常有信心也很開心公主小妹的所有事情都進行得很順利,更開心現在可以跟你們分享這部戲! 感謝所有為這部戲努力過的人,也感謝所有支持我們的影迷☺

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